I have traveled solo on numerous trips. I find it easy to meet people, and I enjoy the freedom of setting my own itinerary. As a solo woman traveling, I think there are probably some safety considerations I've taken into account that my husband wouldn't even think about if he was traveling solo. However, that's just common sense. I have been all over the world on my own, and I have never encountered any problems. I have, however, met some fantastic people in my travels that I wouldn't have met if I wasn't traveling solo.

These days I narrow down my destinations based on :

1. Safety & Health Standards. I'm not keen on walking into war zones. Crime rate. Likewise, I prefer to avoid places that are associated with violent crime. Health Standards. I've learned the hard way that the poor sanitation standards of some third-world countries do not mix well with my health.

2. Climate. I avoid winter. Coming from Canada, I used up my lifetime quota of cold weather, ice, and snow in the first forty years of my life.

3. Ease of Getting to My Destination. I strive for the least complicated experience at the best price possible. It's amazing what can be accomplished!

4. Language. Most countries speak English now, so this is less of a factor. However, if I really want to make it easier for myself, I look for a place that speaks English, Spanish, or French.

5. Accommodations. I want places to stay that are reasonably priced and clean. Did I mention clean? Clean is a big factor for me. I don't like sharing my bed with creepy crawly insects etc. :)

6. History & Culture. I travel to experience different cultures and meet the people in those cultures. I also love to experience history by visiting actual historical sites. These are among my greatest joys in traveling.

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Great topics, Lois. I will write soon about the number two. For a nomad like me, it is possible to be a "climate nomad": if you like winter, you can pursue this weather all year long. It's fantastic.

About the language, I want to improve my Spanish, so I have been in Latin American countries in the last months. It' great.

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Mar 22Liked by Mateus Camillo

Loved it 😍 Uruguayyyy 🫶🏽 This reading remind me that I love solo travels and should do it more often. Thanks, Mateus!

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I like to motivate people to solo travels, Thayná. I will love to read about it when you do it.

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Meu histórico de viagens sozinho é maior do que viagens acompanhado... uma primeiras (e mais emblemáticas) viagens que fiz sozinho foi para o lugar que, hoje, é minha casa: Florianópolis. 7 dias de uma viagem que me transformou!

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Que ótimo relato, Randy! Falando em Floripa, estarei por aí em junho. Bora tomar uma cerveja e falar sobre vida nômade e trabalho remoto. Abração

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I always loved to solo travel - even before having a family - but now too, it is so special. You feel indulged, unique and like you are can decide exactly what/where/when you want to experience any destination. The best!

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Yeah, Ro. I will traveling alone this Sunday and I am really excited to feel again these exactly feelings you described.

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Great to hear it!

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