Two news about vacations went viral in the last few days:
As this newsletter discusses flexible work models, I read both with enthusiasm. At a certain point, however, I realized: oh my fucking God, as a digital nomad I no longer have vacations 😱😱😱😱.
Okay, I already knew that when I decided to become a nomad. But thinking about it more deeply makes a tremendous impact. Nomadism offers me the freedom to work whenever and wherever I want. But its disadvantage is the absence of vacations.
You may never again get those 10, 20, or 30 days in a row that a regular vacation can provide (this period varies from country to country). Autonomous life requires a lot of planning to take a few days off.
To enjoy several days, you need to negotiate project deadlines with your customers and suppliers and work at a doubled pace in the previous month, among other things. Or, if you saved enough money in the last few months, you can allow yourself to stop completely.
A friend of mine, who is a freelancer, is desperate for days off. Before resigning, she had been without a vacation for more than a year. The idea was to spend, at the beginning of the year, the money she earned in the contract termination, but she had an emergency. This week, she received a proposal for a new three-month project and intends to rest after delivering it. She is exhausted.
At least at the start of my nomadic life, I don't intend to stop completely. I plan to take advantage of this life's flexibility. I'm working far fewer hours a day than I used to and I give myself Monday mornings off (the mental health benefit is unbelievable).
At some point, I'll need a vacation. Until then, I have time to plan.
Being your boss can sound incredible, but it also has challenges.
Are you a nomad or self-employed and have a story to tell about vacations? Leave it in the comments.
Have a nice weekend.
Photo: Gordon Bishop/Pexels
Há 10 anos, quando saà da CLT e fui para a vida de autônomo, pensava que não teria mais férias também. Mas, com o tempo, aprendi a fazer reservas. No inÃcio, eu ganhava menos do que antes, mas conseguia guardar mais porque não precisava gastar com roupas, maquiagem, unha feita, almoçar fora, deslocamentos. Fora o gasto com sessões extras de terapia e remédio controlado por conta do stress e da pressão que o ambiente corporativo te proporciona. Além disso, mesmo que você não tenha férias, você tem a liberdade de abraçar a sua preguiça e dizer: "Hoje não quero trabalhar. Está tudo encaminhado. Logo, em plena quarta-feira à tarde vou assistir Netflix". E a liberdade de falar não para trabalhos que você não gosta, é um carinho na alma também. Considero isso miniférias para o cérebro. E, finalizando, o que melhorou muito a minha saúde mental foi o fato de não ter um despertador me acordando todos os dias. Nunca mais dormir com sobressaltos por medo de perder a hora.