Leio sua experiência e me lembro que recentemente passei a mesma coisa. Invés da praia era a Mata dos Cocais. O choque do sol amazônico e da calmaria de coisas como as estrelas e os solitários pardais, a sensação é de cleansing. Interessante é mudar o funcionamento dos dias. Tem muita coisa para fazer, mas não tem o excesso de estar sobrecarregado. Gostei muito do texto!

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Artur, muito legal seu relato. Aliás, estou passando uma temporada grande em SP esse semestre. Se animar, me escreve para tomarmos um café ou uma cerveja. Vou adorar dar algumas dicas para você. Abração

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Ah Mateus, I so hear you! A month ago I was walking a Camino in Spain. I'd made a commitment to not post anything to social media (I rarely do, anyway) and I didn't have a local SIM, and so would have to ask my partner to put his hotspot on if I wanted to check my emails. So I wasn't completely offline, but I was free of online commitments. And it was WONDERFUL. Btw I wrote about it yesterday, here: https://narinaexelby.substack.com/p/mid-summer-mourning

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Amazing experience, Narina! I really liked the "I was free of online commitments". That's it: we don't need to be 100% away. I am trying to reduce my online life even now that I am back to tech civilization. The answers don't need to be immediately.

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Aug 2Liked by Mateus Camillo

One small piece of eden❣️✔️

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I visited the islands of Guna Yala off the coast of Panama last year, and it was a nice change to be disconnected for a few days! I’m currently camping in national parks around the U.S. and whenever my site has zero service, I find it easier to unwind and relax.

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Great experience too, Ashleigh! I didn't told in this post, but the days before the disconnection I visited for a week a lot of caves. There was no connection inside it. More: when inside a cave, you don't even remember the world outside. I do recommend.

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I love cave tours! Really unique experience

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Jul 31Liked by Mateus Camillo

Bravo! Unchained!

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"The signal there was not just unreliable; it was practically non-existent, a true miracle of technology, a Halley's Comet of Silicon Valley illuminating the internet satellites for a few seconds, only to disappear shortly after." HAHAHAHAHA essa parte me pegou muito!

bom, eu acredito que estamos uivando com a alcateia: se eu não posso ir contra os lobos (que seria se tornar um eremita), fazer isso de vez em quando pode ser a opção. não é 8 ou 80, hiperconectado ou sem conexão alguma - pode ser uma balancinha. amei esse texto (e a foto do final dele também!)

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Desconectemos todos, meu amigo (e vá um dia para a Ilha do Cardoso!)

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sem dúvidas! depois dessa dica, ainda com mais vontade. até breve, meu amigo! <3

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Cuba has limited internet. Or if it has it, it is very expensive.

Yes, it is nice to turn off but at the same time, there us a feeling if disconnect.

When internet is restored, we feel almost relieved.

And then we scramble to discover what we missed.

Unless we go off grid completely, we will always be grateful when reconnected.

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I completely agree, Laura. At the same time is exactly this feeling of grateful when reconnected we need to combat and to learn to lose. I think we can do more than we do nowadays. Actually we need to regain control of our brain. Thank you for you comment.

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Mateus- I'd agree that internetless is one of the most freeing ways to live. It's so wonderful that we almost forgot what it's like. I appreciate this reminder. Hope you're well this week. Cheers, -Thalia

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