So true! Objects are just "material stuff", life often shows us (through loss, theft etc.) that we don't need them anyways....

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Exactly. And it's a real feeling of freedom don't be attached to a couch or a bed or anything like that, and to feel that any couch or any bed can be yours during certain period of time. It´s so cliché but when we die we don´t take our couch with us

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Feb 9Liked by Mateus Camillo

After college I moved around a lot. Firstly to CA then I could pretty much write a roadmap of the state. (not really, but I moved a lot). One thing I do like about eventual moves is that a lot of 'spring cleaning' happens. I give stuff away when I move. I consider myself a minimalist but I'm sure a minimalist would dither with me on that. I have about 5 boxes of stuff I'll probably have forever, from childhood, my parents, etc. I haven't looked in it for a while, but there are photos in there that I may need for my posts, so it's about time for another look! I enjoyed your post!

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11Author

That´s a great idea, Jeanine. I am eager to read and see this material in your posts. In my parent's house, besides this old drawer, I also have other items in the wardrobe that probably I will have forever, too. Within 5 or 10 years I throw away some items, but there are still many stuffs and memories in there. After all, we have so many lives in one live. Have a nice weekend.

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