Também me recuso a ter uma AirFryer quando voltar pra um casa fixa hahaha :) Desapegar de “coisas” tem sido, pra mim, a melhor forma de entender o que importa. Adorei o texto!
Yeah, it's difficult for people to detach from things and relationships. I know that this way of life isn't for everyone, mainly because we are taught/created to have everything: properties, family, ambitions...
Também me recuso a ter uma AirFryer quando voltar pra um casa fixa hahaha :) Desapegar de “coisas” tem sido, pra mim, a melhor forma de entender o que importa. Adorei o texto!
Yeah, it's difficult for people to detach from things and relationships. I know that this way of life isn't for everyone, mainly because we are taught/created to have everything: properties, family, ambitions...