Since I became a nomad in January of this year, life has passed, and what existed before in my old life in São Paulo no longer exists. Here are ten examples:
The stadium I attended the most for soccer games, Pacaembu, has turned into a hole. It will undergo a renovation that includes a hotel network. It will never be the same again.
The bookstore where I bought the most (or flipped through books without buying) has closed down. It accumulated debts.
A part of the movie theater I frequented the most in my life hasn't closed yet, but it's expected to close soon. It will be turned into a building.
The bar I visited the most in the past two years will close for a while. The building where it's located will undergo a retrofit. (Jesus, is there anything that doesn't close in São Paulo? Walking through the city where I lived for 14 years feels like walking in a big cemetery of places).
The area where I lived for 10 years is now dominated by a bicycle gang that steals cell phones. It's difficult to walk around there.
I've lost contact with many people from my old job. What are they doing? How is that project going? And the many dramas we shared? At least I kept in touch with my former team, we hung out at a bar, which was great.
My parents turned my childhood living room into my dad's bedroom for reasons I can't understand. I no longer have a living room when I visit them.
My nephew is no longer a baby. This past weekend, he elegantly danced with a girl at Saint John's Day (and he dances better than me!).
My two best friends no longer live in São Paulo. One is as much of a nomad as I am, and we don't always meet. The other is going to live in Portugal in September.
My ex-girlfriend has a new boyfriend. Now we're just friends.
And so life goes on. The currency for letting the past crumble was living as a digital nomad. I experience stories I wouldn't have lived otherwise. I'm building a different past than I would have had if I hadn't become a nomad. Not better, not worse. Just different. The way I wanted it.
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